The Barn Owl (Tyto alba)

» Interesting Owl Facts and Information

»» Barn Owl (Tyto alba)

»» Little Owl (Athene noctua)

»» The Owl signified by the Cos and Yanshuph in the Bible

»» The Owl signified by the Lilith and Kippoz in the Bible

»» The Threatened Mexican Spotted Owl

Like the Little Owl, the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) seems to have has an affinity to areas where humans have built villages which are not too highly populated, and it may often be found in ruins and similar localities.


An oId ruined castle is very likely to be tenanted by the Barn Owl, whose nightly shrieks have so often terrified the belated wanderer, and made him fear that the place was haunted by disturbed spirits.

The Barn Owl is very broadly spread and occurs in America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. This owl is approximately 35 centimetres in size, with a Wingspan of around 93 cm and a weight of about 315 grams. The head of this owl is large, with a whitish, heart-shaped facial disc.   Its legs are long covered with  white feathers and provided with powerful claws. Its orange and gray brown back is strewn with small white spots, and its white breast piece is strewn with brown spots.

It goes hunting at night in cultivated expanses or in meadows to capture shrews and small rodents like field mice there.  More rarely it feeds on weasels or rabbits, as well as small birds or bats.   During hunting the barn owl can fly particularly low, yet still making hardly any sound as it swoops and flies, due to its specially designed feathers - natural stealth technolgy from the owl world!

In general, the female barn owl lays from 4 to 7 eggs which measure from 34 to 44 mm by 30 to 33 mm. She broods them from 30 to 32 days, and the young birds leave the nest after about 55 days.


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